Soldas is the original home of the elves before the Rima. The high elves took residence in Bandis and Ninev. Evunilfa the Architect was able to unite the elves and make peace with the humans of the Darkened Shore and Plains of Esus. After the death of the human leader, Evunilfa was looked at to lead, and she then founded the nation of Soldas.
Soldas' four regions still have some autonomy and elect their own Consul to represent them in the Soldasi High Council. Culture varies a bit from area to area, and religion is observed slightly differently, but there is a strong sense of Soldasi nationalism.
Trade: Trade is heavily regulated by the government through an institution known as the "Reserva." Business in Soldas is conducted with paper money known as the note, issued by the Reserva. Wealth can be converted by the Reserva and held in their vaults to be exchanged for notes. Soldas is known for a wide variety of hot temperature crops and goods, as well as fine wine and other luxury goods. Soldas is a bit behind the rest of the world in terms of raw science, but the old magics are used to compensate for this weakness, and it tends to be an area known for magical innovation (due in no small part to its proximity to the unfounded lands, though no Soldasi would ever admit it).
Military: The military of Soldas is the most feared and well organized in the world. The military is overseen by two leaders known as the "Solars." One Solar handles domestic issues and the other international. The legion has many purposes and is often used to regulate the Soldasi southern border. There are two main members of the legion, conscripted men (Noxalle) and true legionnaires (Averstri). True legionnaries are trained from the time they are children and experience cruel mental and physical conditioning. One such conditioning exercise involved locking two child initiates in a room with only one dagger in the center. During battle, the legion leads conscripts in the sacred war hymns of the Soldas, and on particularly important battles, raised stages are constructed and specially trained women called Divas lead the men. Several suits of armor and weaponry exist based on the various constellations and certain legionnaires will be chosen to represent that aspect in battle.
Culture: Soldasi culture is all about order. There is a strict separation between families based on ranking. Businesses operate on a city's central clock (a large sundial), and religious services often conclude each day. The government Consuls regulate life based on the four aspects of deity (Health, Harm, Mind, Body). Local princes often fight over land and honor with their personal regiments of Noxalle. Politeness and modesty are valued highly in Soldasi society, and people look towards the high elves as trend setters. Due to this, it is common for noble human families to imitated elf dress (flowing robes, and no skin showing below the head). The Soldasi are ruthlessly superstitious in their religious belief of the divinity of the stars (earning them the derogatory name "Stargazers" among their detractors) and fear the Starless Night above all else.
-Founding of Evunilfa
-Founding of the legion
-Founding of the Riserva
-Founding of the Soldasi High Council
-Loss of the Abandonatt
-Building of the Wall of Omarin
Notable Factions:
The Soldasi Legion
Notable People:
Consul of Health: Virgil Gaius Enze
Consul of Harm: Tullia Octavia Espezina
Consul of Mind: Serrus Arcio Orellus
Consul of Body: Domitius the Mason
Solar of Health (Home): Agrippa Cicero
Solar of Harm (Away): Demid the Hand of Blood
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