Our Journey so Far

Orianna the Tiefling Druid, Malachi the Human Warlock Tibeldorf the Dwarven Fighter, and Calaban the Halfling rogue have been bound together through fate and circumstance. Here is their story so far...

Episode 1:  The group forms and uncovers a conspiracy in the town of Travenshire. Trouble erupts between migrant Reachmen and the local government. The group travels to Wrenhollow with hopes of joining the Adventurer's Guild.

Episode 2: The group tracks down Oswald. There are interesting problems still with the undead in Wrenhollow's graveyard. The group faces down Oswald. A local money changer is engaged in illegal gambling and the slave trade. Oswald's conspiracy may be grander than expected.

Episode 3: The group takes a mission in Havenhill. They meet an oddly intelligent half of an ettin. A dungeon filled with traps and illusion. A dead witch.

Episode 4: The group comes up with a name. Takes a job with the adventuring guild of Trestin's Keep. Fights a cloud giant. Out-brag and embarrass a man named Greg. Find a dragon cult, and have to make an important decision.

Episode 5: The group decides what to do with the egg of an ancient evil. Accepts a mission from Duke Kidell of Wrenhollow. Finds danger at every turn. Enters the reach.

The group is joined on a permanent basis by Francine the Priestess of Sina, and Earl Ash the Dragonborn Sorcerer, Lecher, Druid Noble.

Episode 6: The group saves a town from a White Dragon. Makes new friends. Keeps Kidell safe for now. Meets with and keeps Maritine and diplomatic hopes for peace alive.

Episode 7: The group enters the tournament. Defeats Broken Grace. Makes names for themselves. Receives news of Sefton.

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