Thursday, November 5, 2015

Lore: Metavia

Metavia is a country that broke with Harfal during the signing of the Turning. Metavia is filled with rolling hills and forests. The primary residents of Metavia are the Hill Dwarves who migrated from Polinskar to the north during the first founding. Metavia is culturally similar to Harfal with some borrowed culture from the north.

Metavia is known for its robust trade and ancient university system. The roads of Metavia are said to be the safest in the world, though the forests and hills are rougher than most of the midlands.  Metavian towns revolve around life in the beer halls and gardens (inns are kept separate from alcohol establishments).

Trade: Metavia is well known for trade and diplomacy. Many of the celebrated ales of Aithe come from Metavia (especially those brewed by the monks in the monasteries of the hills). Metavia is known more for processed goods than raw, but has excellent trade agreements in place with the rest of Turindal in order to make money trading through shipping.  The College of Luthin brings a lot of trade and is known as the foremost university in the world (rivaled only by the one in Valsace). The government receives a lot of money in taxes from students visiting from various parts of the world. Metavia also is one of the few places one can get goods from the Reach and other parts of Harfal without having to pay the exorbitant taxes of the Keep.

Military: There is nothing especially notable about Metavia's military. In fact, their military very well could be one of the smallest in the known world. This normally could be a problem, but their various trade agreements and alliances make protection assured.

Culture: Metavia is a bit of a melting pot (though less so than its neighbor Parlas). Metavian culture is a blend of old dwarf and new human traditions. Towns tend to be well constructed and preplanned with a beer hall or garden at the center. Though not as free as the people or Parlas or as orderly as the people of Soldas, Metavians get their identity in their welcoming and accommodating attitudes, It must be noted however, that debts must be repaid in Metavian culture, and more than one traveler has accidentally found themselves in a Metavian debtors prison. Beer is the primary beverage of the land and it must be of a certain quality or a Metavian will politely pass. Wine is almost non-existent except as a trade good. Knowledge is valued highly in Metavian culture and they have one of the highest literacy rates in the world.

-Founding of the College of Luthin
-Turning from Harfal
-Founding of Metavia

Notable Factions:
College of Luthin

Notable People:
Governor Heinrich Vismarg

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