Friday, November 6, 2015

Lore: Brilhold

Brilhold is one of the countries of Turindal. Unlike the others, that primarily branched off of Harfal, Brilhold existed as a separate entity independent of the other Midland countries until it was taken over by Trestin. Brilhold originally was part of what would become Soldas until the Rima in the first founding.
Brilhold is mostly known for its rivers and waterways complete with fertile riverlands. The original residents of Brilhold are dissidents from the Rima, a collection of a variety of elves (though few Storm elves) who disagreed with the high elves that drew the other parties out, and were against separating elven kind.  Now Brilhold is primarily known for its strong ties to Soldas and status as the only monarchy in Turindal.

Trade: Brilhold is known for its agriculture and fine metals (as well as glass artistry). Due to its impressive river fleet (and deal with Parlas to have use of several gulf ports) trade thrives. Brilholder food and drink is an acquired taste and has a mix of South and Midlands influence (sour beers and very dry wines, as well as extremely spicy food). Brilhold is also the home of the University of Valsace, the rival institution of the College of Luthin. The university has been offering scholarships to promising scholars from around the world in order to boost trade and boost its reputation when compared with the College in Luthin.

Military: Brilholds military is known for its light infantry and cavalry (as well as a fearsome navy). There has been a bit of speculation regarding Brilholder fleets protecting and scouting for Soldasi interests (against the Turindal treaty). Brilhold is also known for policing the Turindal Gulf, and as such is the only country of Turindal that does not have to send forces to the Alin Gap that leads to the Edgelands. There have been skirmishes between Dormar and Brilhold in that past, but no lasting conflict.

Culture: Culture in the Brilhold is similar to the Midlands, with a Soldasi sense of propriety and duty. Residents take an aptitude test at a young age to determine their future careers and go into that business. Poetry and storytelling are valued, as are philosophy and theology. Nargas, the laughing merelf god of the Brilhold demands a feast for travelers and on every 14th day. Music is a big part of culture and family gatherings and many have "family songs."

-Settlement by the elves
-Conquest by Soldas
-Conquest by Trestin
-Founding of Brilhold

Notable Factions:

Notable People:
King Jumil Cantillon

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