Saturday, September 26, 2015

Our Journey so Far #3: The Witch of Malcontent

The group decided to accept the mission "The Lost Children" from Rolf. Rolf recommended that they not take that mission, and if they did, not to be too prideful to give up and come back. As they signed up for the job, they reunited with Francine, cleric of Sina.

The group reported for work at Havenhill. The townspeople were distrustful, and they mayor was concerned with the fact that this was the worst thing to happen to the town in the three generations his family was mayor.

Townhall of Havenhill was also a church of Sina, though there was no need for healing. The only affliction plaguing the town were the constant nightmares intruding into the sleep of the villagers (though they refused to explain what the shared dream was). The children often left at night, and no amount of guarding or watching could stop it.

The group set off where the first adventuring party had last been seen, the newly dubbed "Cave of Malcontent" so called for the witch who took residence there. Guarding it was an ettin, one mouth of which was gagged.

After an ambush which did not afford the beast to retaliate, the group bound, and then un-gagged the other mouth. The articulate other head of the ettin, explained that his brother Gunga, had taken up work from the witch after he had fallen asleep in a bar during a break from his poetry reading. His name was Lionel and he was currently doing poetry readings in the Keep.  He bid the party ado, and left on his way.

Entering the cave, the group went deeper into the earth, until they found a trapped door, which they easily disarmed. Inside, they found a cavernous room with multiple stalactites and stalagmites above which, a rotating chandelier caused the shadows to dance. After trying to sneak, Calaban realized that the shadows were harmful, and touching them burned. Ranged weaponry seemed to have little effect on the chandelier, but, Orianna was able to burn the candles out with a well placed fireballs, causing the room to go dark. After a quick test, the group realized that only shadows cast by the chandalier were harmful.

Further in, and the group found a room filled with mirrors, but with no exit. Calaban shot a mirror with an arrow, and broke it. Francine gasped as the arrow hit, and for a moment saw a bound and gagged child in its place. The group believed their faithful cleric had began to become unhinged. After taking the time to explain and show the group, and un-gagging a child, the group finally came to their senses and defied the illusion.

The group left the children, after finding a door, and vowed to come back to rescue them. In the next room, there was magical darkness, dispelled by a combined effort of Orianna and Francine. As the room illuminated, they noticed several specters sizing them up, and a painting on the wall, with curtains on either side and various statues in the middle of the room.

A tense battle was waged, but the party overcame the incorporeal spirits, and noticed the picture on the wall. Those who had been touched by the spirits or gazed upon the picture soon saw their likeness in it. In the center, a witch was by a cauldron (surrounded by discarded adventuring supplies) and  children on either side marching to the cauldron (slowly becoming more skeletal). At the end of one such line were representations of the party, taking steps forward as the others did. Orianna, due to her connection with nature, was the first to notice their shadows had left them.

Every attempt was made to damage the painting, but to no avail. Magical attacks directly at the witch did seem to anger and change the picture of the witch. Calaban continued on into the next room, which housed a seemingly never ending maze. Time was wasting and they had only managed to anger the witch into speeding up her efforts. Soon, Calaban realized the maze was not really a maze, and only a set of turns, another illusion by the witch.

While the group was still in the other room, Calaban decided to open an ornate silver door, and peering in saw a witch by her cauldron and a dark tunnel heading into the abyss. The witch noticed the door, but was unable to see the stealthy Calaban.  Calaban ran back to his friends, described the maze illusion and headed back to the door, which was once again closed. As they entered, they did not see the witch, and Tibeldorf decided to kick over her cauldron. As the group moved further in, the witch jumped out of the shadows and attacked them.

The fight was fierce, and the witch managed to put both the already injured Orianna and Francine to sleep, but Tibeldorf, aided by his mighty enchanted glaive, and the marksman Calaban were able to kill the hag.

Calaban wanted to make sure the witch was dead and cut her open. A shadow hissed out of her and then dissipated. They investigated the tunnel, which seemed to lead somewhere far away, and they would be unable to come back.

The group returned the children to the people of Havenhill where they were rewarded handsomely. They also went back to Rolf, who was much surprised and pleased to hear of their success.

After a quick discussion, the group believed they were ready to head to the capital, and set up shop in Trestin's Keep City, where unknown adventure, loot, and intrigue waited for them.

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