Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lore: Trestin's Keep

At the end of the span of ash, a hero emerged in Harfal. Trestin, and his men seemingly appeared from nowhere and quickly took over area that came to be known as "Trestin's Keep," Since this time, it has served as the seat of the throne of Harfal.

The Keep is divided into four counties named after the central city in the area (Wrenhollow, Crossmarch, Reckonpoint, and Trestin's Keep). Given the large city centers, the areas of the Keep tend to attract immigrants and migrant workers.

Trade: The Keep makes most of its money from taxing other provinces from their sell of goods.  Other companies buy goods from the farmers of the Reach, Beimoor and Ouras Coast to sell in the capital, transporting it and finding buyers after purchasing the goods from the source. Similarly, the Keep is one of the few regions of Harfal to boast thriving industry and the ability to process raw goods into other more valuable commodities.

Military: The military of the Keep (and of Harfal itself) is only a small remnant of what it once was in the early days of the second founding. The bulk of the armed forces trains in the Keep itself with those forces bolstered by the men-at-arms of various lords and towns.  One advantage that remains to the Harfalite army are the few antique firearms that remain in working order since the days of Trestin. A few shops have attempted to reverse engineer the firearms, and some have successfully, however the means to create ammunition is still a rarity.

Culture: As the center of culture in Harfal, the Keep is a bit arrogant. There has also been a small undercurrent of xenophobia (especially towards those from the Reach and Faden Marsh). There are still those from the Keep who desire a return to the old empire of Trestin's days, but mostly that is acknowledged as a thing of the past. At times, there is still resentment towards the countries of Turindal (and specifically Parlas) for the breaking of the empire.Most cultural customs vary from county to county, and a wide variety of customs are observed in the actual Keep itself.

-Conquest by Trestin
-Building of the Keep
-Loss of Turindal
-Trestin's descendants lose the throne
-Refocus on industry
-War of Burdul with the Polinskarin hordes
-First emissaries sent to Rao
-Treaty with Turindal
-Trestin's descendants regain the throne

Notable Factions:

Notable People:
King Donovan Fyorc: King of Harfal and true descendant of Trestin

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