Saturday, September 12, 2015

Our Journey so Far #1: Sessions 1 and 2

Session 1:
Our party met through chance and circumstance on the roads of Harfal. Orianna the Tiefling Druid, Malachi the Human Warlock, and Calaban the Halfling Rogue shared meals and stories over campfires and bonded over sharing the road. Their caravan was headed by an old ringmaster known as "Top Hat Charlie," an unscrupulous individual who had a variety of unethical business practices.

Charlie's circus was scheduled for an appearance in Travenshire, a small farming village outside Harfal's capital. The night before the caravan rolled into town our party was ambushed by a group of goblins. With the help of a Paladin (an ex-sergeant of a force tasked with exorcisms) and a Cleric of the harvest goddess Sina, the group easily dispatched of this obstacle.  It was worth noting that the goblins seemed to be reluctant to attack, and only committed after much hesitation. Whatever their drive, it was more important than their fear of the group.

Other than an argument about the blade tax between a local magistrate and migrant Reachmen mercenaries, Travenshire was quiet the morning the caravan arrived. Further in, a judge of Wyn and Cleric were preaching and gaining followers from among the townsfolk.

While the circus began setting up, Calaban decided to have a look around Charlie's personal wagon.  Inside he saw Charlie embezzling from the caravans shared earnings. After much discussion, it was decided that they would split the earnings before Charlie parted ways.

Across town, the Paladin and Cleric decided to stop in the Broken Blade Inn, the owner of which explained the towns goblin problem, and how the hero they had retained, Oswald the Valiant, had yet to return to deal with them.  Returning to the group, it was quickly decided that it would be beneficial to investigate further.

The group retraced their steps and found the goblins they had dispatched the night before. One of in which had a note implicating an "Oswald the Angry" and his employer as the masterminds behind this scheme. They soon found the goblins hideout, an early second founding waypoint trashed and poorly upkept by the goblins who now resided there.

After dealing with the source of the problem, the group returned to town to collect their reward. Orianna decided against accepting the reward as she felt that it was unethical to collect blood money for the murder of clearly manipulated creatures.

The group further helped the town by orchestrating a deal between the Reachmen and mayor, stipulating that they would be retained as heroes as Oswald came under investigation. The group celebrated and slept. The Paladin and Cleric they had shared the adventure with decided to go their separate ways from the group.

Session 2:
The group woke to the leader of the Reachmen, Bill, being carted off by guards, implicated in the murder of the local magistrate. Investigating the room of the magistrate, they saw "No Blade Tax" painted in his blood on the wall. In the room of the Reachmen, a bloody dagger was found (that Bill claimed no ownership of). The blade records in the magistrates room seemed to back him up, but given the Reach's history, the fact that revolutionary symbols were found in their room, and the ease Bill could have stolen or concealed the dagger, they were taken to Wrenhollow and jailed.

Before they left, Travenshire's mayor gave the group an endorsement for the adventurer's guild, and told them to speak to Rolf in Wrenhollow.

On the way, the group traveled with the clergy of Wyn and their followers, and set up watch for the starless night. In the distance, followers of the shadow goddess Loma were seen performing a ritual. On the Judge's watch, he went to confront them alone, leaving the priest to stand guard.  The party decided to find him, and found him locked in battle with one of the Loma followers. Calaban quickly dispatched of the judge's adversary, but as they talked the situation over, they found themselves ambushed by the friends of the fallen shadow worshiper attacking from the trees. In the aftermath they found a note that read "The password is death carry you"

After a difficult battle, the group headed into Wrenhollow and introduced themselves to Rolf Giantsbane. Rolf suggested that they investigate the town while he prepared an introductory assignment for them. The assignment was to investigate the sickness caused by drinking river water, as well as a strange occurrence in the graveyard.

The group decided to investigate a mill the river flowed through. On the way, they battled two animated scarecrows and befriended farmers who offered to vouch for them with Rolf.

In the mill they discovered an injured vampire in a coffin (whose fluids were leaking into the river). After defeating the abomination, the group found a note stating that Oswald had asked for the creature to be put there. They found some treasure including an enchanted headband and black stone necklace baring a golden hand and eye with a G in it.

After waiting for Oswald to show up, the group hid in the mill and overheard two of  his followers checking in and expressing that he would be meeting them the next day at the Grim Lantern Tavern in the bottoms.

During this adventure the group had several other interesting happenings. They met an Angrove Quinn, a (possibly) blind) man who claimed to be a professor of linguistics at the university of Luthin in Metavia, seeking out his friend Gray who he believed to have taken residence in Wrenhollow to conduct his experiments. Angrove currently is staying with his friend a noble of the Weatherspoon house.

They also had run-ins with a Polinskarin barbarian named Jarr who they made the fool of through magic and deception. Jarr was later jailed for property destruction at the inn the group was staying at.

Calaban also engaged in some high stakes gambling and found out about a slave auction/underground gambling establishment.

To be continued in session 3!

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