Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our Journey so Far #5: Kidell

The group found themselves with a decision to make. Either they could potentially eradicate an entire species of ancient dragons, or see what comes of the hatching of this one.  The dragonborn guarding the egg, would not let them go further, and fell to Calaban's quick and deadly accurate attacks.

Opening the door (gold and decorated with the visaege of a dragon eating various gods), the group found a giant egg in the middle of a meager pile of treasure (a trident, set of pipes, a quiver). While Tibeldorf and Orianna were deciding whether or not to kill the beast before it hatched, Calaban started hacking away at the shell. The group decided not to intervene and Calaban potentially ended the race of the Dracca.

Heading back, they stopped by the Roaring Knight Inn to show their new conquest. Revelers at the tavern had mixed responses to the trophy of the unhatched Dracca, however, the cloud giant was by far the most formidable of creatures vanquished in the name of the "haunt." The Doomblades were congratulated for their win by the various folks at the tavern. Several notable people happened to be there as well, including Guildmaster Orist and an unnamed noble who was known taking an interest in adventuring parties entering tournaments (like the one coming up).

Once back at the adventuring guild, the group decided to take the mission of protecting Duke Kidell of Wrenhollow on a diplomatic journey to the Reach to entreat with Maritine of the Mercy Tide to ease tensions between the two regions of Harfal.  The group met with Kidell who described the mission, and after agreeing to terms, it was decided they would make for the Reach the next day.

Around Trestin's Keep, the group gathered supplies and met Percival Sedir, whose wares had been found in the cave of the Dracca (and still claimed as reward by the group), and a rather rude jeweler and his apprentice who had a predisposition for not trusting halflings with rings (they are known for throwing them in volcanoes).

The next day, the group set out with Kidell and his men for the Reach. An attempt on the good Duke's life was found out before they left the capital, a rune had been carved in the bottom of the lead carriage of the caravan, set to activate and engulf the carriage in flame if a certain word was spoken inside.

The first day was mostly uneventful after that minor setback, though a group of Loma worshipers were spotted near by, dancing by a fire at night.  The next morning the Duke was increasingly ill, and it was determined he had been poisoned. The group used their skills to heal him, though it was a difficult process. Later, they came across a roadblock set by the Keep at the border of the Reach. Once healed, the Duke managed to produce his writ of nobility and convince the guards to let them pass.

That night, they stayed a nearby inn. The Duke spent his time reading one of the inn's books on history and making his own notes in the margins (as is the custom of those who make a hobby of that sort of thing). In the room, the Calaban set alarm spells up at the window and door, with Tibeldorf standing guard.  Orianna stayed in a different room.

A woman posing as the Innkeeps granddaughter cleared the Duke's drinking glass and book from the room, but was later (after several attempts to get into the room) found out to be an assassin sent by Sefton to kill the duke. As it turned out, one of the guild missions (about the Silver Stag Inn) was a coded message offering reward to kill the Duke. Her brother was waiting outside, but had left noticing things had gone poorly. Calaban requested she be sent to the jail in the Keep (knowing what happened to prisoners in Wrenhollow, which the Duke seemed to be oblivious to).

The next day the group continued on the road into the Reach. They were met with abuse and mistrust and even a fake roadblock meant to mock the heightened security of the Keep. Though, it must be said, several Reachmen came at Tibeldorf's night watch and offered gifts of peace and the advice to let the Reach secede, as no good could come from the continued union of Harfal.

Later, the lights of Reach villages went out as a dragon was spotted overhead and stopped to raid one of the villages.

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