
Pre-First Founding:
-Creation (?) of the gods
-Creation of the World
-Creation of Elves, Giants and Mountain Dwarves

First Founding (earliest surviving history):
Not much is known about the first founding. There has been speculation by certain scholars that a once dominant species similar to the current "Dragon" ruled and warred over the world (the veracity of the evidence, texts and relics are often called into question), and that the gods were given to more overt displays of their power.  What is certain, however, is that at some point, the span of ash began, and with it sweeping changes were made to the world.

The geography of the world was either misunderstood by the people of this time period, or with the other changes, land masses and features shifted and changed as well.

Known Events of the First Founding:
-Creation of Human and Dwarves
-The Rima: A division between the elven race regarding religion.  The High Elves (those who looked to the stars to see the Divine) remained in their ancient home of Bandis and Ninev in Soldas. Those who saw the divine in creation itself (known as the 'Wood Elves') left in search of a new home and eventually found and settled on the Island of Rao, and its living god Xao 'Lin Rao, who they believe embodied the perfection of creation.  The last group refused to leave and engaged in a bitter war in which they were hopelessly outnumbered. These were the group now known as the Sons of the Storm (elves who looked to storms and rain to see the divine), who wandered for centuries until taking up a main base of residence in the Edgelands.
-The old bloodlines of Polinskar are traced back to the first founding.
-The lion, Wyn, ascends to deity

Span of Ash:
Though this time period lasted only a few hundred years, there is little history recorded of this time.  Official elven histories exist, though they are contradictory and biased by individual perspective and nationality.  The Soldasi library claims to have an objective history in their vaults, though it has yet to be released or seen in any form by anyone outside of their Consulate. There may have been a cataclysmic event or other reason for the strife that occurred during this time, but any incident remains unknown.

The facts of this era are as follows:
-If there had been a powerful dragon-like race, they went extinct, or have otherwise disappeared.
-The gods have either lost power, turned from mortal races, or otherwise have decided to interfere less in the affairs of the material realm.
-Large areas of the world experience erratic weather, increased or no plant growth giving rise to the Edgelands and the Overrun.
-Certain individuals and objects gain their notoriety and legends. The greatest of these are the four founders.

Key Events:
-Before the start of the second founding started there was much upheaval and bloodshed in the power vacuum left by the old powers.
-Founding of the Midlands: Trestin the Fierce a human and his people arrive at the site of the future Keep of Harfal (method of arrival and from where hotly disputed). Trestin was notable for his tactical genius and the golden mask he wore in the visage of what he called "the dead god." His most loyal lieutenants were known to wear silver masks of a similar make though in the image of a different face (the name that belonged to the face was not passed down). A notable strength for his forces were the firearms they brought with them from their homeland. Under his direction, the land surrounding the keep was secured as his base of operation. Starting in Harfal, Trestin swelled his numbers with each land he annexed or allied with.  Even the stubborn tribes of the Aroegin Reach recognized his strength and right to rule (though some pockets of resistance existed on even after his death).  Within a decade the Midlands were under the rule of Trestin and the Keep. At one point the Midland rule even contained parts of Polinskar to the North and Soldas to the south.
-Founding of the North: Cairn the Ironwrought a mountain dwarf won respect from the dwarven clans and tribes of the north with her ability to drink, fight and smith. Cairn’s strategy for founding did not call for changing the way the tribes operated, but pointing that aggression outward. The dwarflords after him were unable to match her ambition, and thus their hold above ground has continually waned since their founder (their territory in mines and underground cities is said to be vast).
-Founding of the South (Soldas): Evunilfa the Architect a high elf founds Soldas.
-Founding of the South (Rao):  Casilu the Humble a woodelf Founds Rao.
-Creation (or discovery) of the Lessermen
-Land is lost to the Edgelands (desert) and Overrun (Wilds) leaving massive amount of ruins and historical sites obscured or inaccessible.

Second Founding:
The second founding officially started after the unification of the Midlands and the Building of the Wall of Omarin south of Soldas.

Early Second Founding:
-Power passed from Trestin, to his son, to his grandson. Trestin's son and (especially) grandson were unable to hold on to Trestin's lands. These losses included the lands gained from Polinskar and Soldas. The final and greatest loss of Turindal occurred after the incident of the Sullen Bride (Located in the section on the Aroegin Reach).
-Dissidents from Trestin's keep form the nation of Parlas (Key Figures: Paulier Finlux, Deran Temmin, Russ Ljonmane and Vinter Balentine).
-the Province of Metavia (Harfal), the Protectorate of Dormar (Turgartoin), and lands of Brilhold (Soldas) in the midlands break with their respective powers and form the Union of Turindal with Parlas, ruling separately, but offering mutual defense and preferential trade.
-Unification of Soldas.
-Soldas relinquishes control of lands south of the Wall of Omarin. This adds the Abbandonat to the lands of Chyprien.
-Founding of the Soldasi Legion.
-Vesic the Holy founds the Order of Wyn in Lionsfurd, the capital of Parlas. After seeing the depravity in the temples of the cities of Parlas, he took his complaints to the Parliament, and was unheard. Taking matters into his own hands he went to the temple of Wyn and killed all but the 8 righteous he was able to find there. He consecrated the eight there as his judges and sent them out in the 8 cardinal directions to find more righteous and right more wrongs. Vesic willingly submitted to execution for killing within the confines of the capital, but his followers remain and have gained political favor in Parlas.
-Soldasi Ships head for Harfal and are sighted off the coast of the Aroegin Reach. In retaliation for the incident of the Sullen Bride, the forces of the Keep purposely stalled in aid of the Reach. In need of a miracle, the tides themselves prevented the Soldasi forces from landing together, allowing the Reachmen to pick off the forces a little at a time. The site and battle have forever become known as the Mercy Tide.

Recent Events:
-The defensive bombing of several Soldasi border cities by Demid a Solar of the Soldasi Legion to prevent the summoning of a fel spirit by Edgelanders.
-Siege of Parlas by the Red Lord of the Skar.
-Murder of the Soldasi Consul of Mind and Lord Vitor Cromwell in Lionsfurd, Parlas by each other.
-The Keep institutes the Blade Tax in the Reach.
-Vincent Cromwell found dead in the woods outside Lionsfurd during the siege of Parlas.
-Defeat of the Red Lord by unknown parties
-Pasco the Hunter becomes the High Justice of the Order of Wyn following the siege of Parlas.

Other Notable Events:
-Gormag the Felhand (a Lesserman) marches from the Overrun to the Founded Lands and takes over the Skar before being forced into the Faden March in Harfal. After generations in the marsh and the inability of the Keep to remove them, a treaty is signed giving the Lessermen dominion over the Faden Marsh in exchange for fealty to the crown.

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